Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Moods in Rhyme

Porky: How we felt after a lot of yummy Christmas goodies.
Dorky: How we looked in our santa hats.

Mad: How Sparky felt when he thought Squeaker got a better gift (and how the grown-ups felt about his display of ingratitude).
Glad: How The Boss felt about all his new jets,trains, trucks, and transformers.

Tired: How I felt after staying up most the night loading music on ipods and assembling a radio flyer wagon.
Wired: Kids+Sugar+Presents. 'Nuff said.

Geeky: Because one of our traditions is Christmas caroling (rather badly) for the neighbors and we're bummed because we skipped it this year.
Reeky: Because the kids slept in their clothes and then went straight outside to play with their new toys this morning.

Stressed: Because all three cars need work, our front door got stuck shut on Christmas day and our handyman can't fix it, we're broke until the beginning of the month, and we have a week and a half of vacation left with kids who think they should be entertained every waking minute.
Blessed: Because a Christmas bonus paid for our holiday dinner (I give you my boss, the founder of the feast!), members of our church family gave us a Christmas tree and gifts including an Xbox (our PS2 was among the things stolen on the Fourth of July while we were helping at a church event), Christmas was much more peaceful and enjoyable than we anticipated (the holidays being a very difficult time for traumatized kids), guardianship for Drama Boy and Sparky finally went through, adoptions for Peaches and Squeaker should be early next year. We're blessed with a lovely house and more than enough stuff (despite the boys cries of lack and neglect because we choose not to have cable); terrific, supportive parents; wonderful siblings/siblings-in-law who are also some of our best friends; healthy, (sometimes) happy kids; gorgeous and amazing nieces and nephews; a very sweet grandma; dear friends that we do not see enough but love and miss; and of course the very best gift of God's own son.

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