Thursday, April 3, 2008


Our kids are a bunch of snitches and tattle-tales. This is a good way to find out what is going on but they seem shocked to find out that we often know even before the tattling begins. Maybe we're just suspicious by nature or maybe it's because the kids have shown themselves to be pretty untrustworthy.

Recently, one of the boys called out Squeaker on something. She then tried to deny what happened. Drama Boy said "Then how come you said not to tell your mom?" It was not a big thing but something she had asked to do that I said no to and she went ahead and did it anyway.

She continued to deny so Ana said, "Oh come on, you did it." She responded, "We don't have to tell mom do we?" and, of course, Ana told her that I already knew which, of course based on the evidence, I did. Squeaker was surprised. Peaches said, "Do you really think they don't know everything that goes on around here?"

I wish that were true. But I do have my suspicions.

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