Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Analyze This (Not Really)

Last night I had a series of dreams in which it seems some impending doom awaited me and then the opposite happened. Maybe I've had too many frappuccinos or I worry too much about things that will probably never happen or who knows what.

First I dreamt that Squeaker's bus driver wanted to talk to me. Of course I was apprehensive knowing it had to be a bad report. It turned he wanted to say how much he enjoyed having her on the bus. I don't think that would actually happen in reality.

Next I dreamt that Ana had created an account book for our household expenses. In the dream I knew that when I looked at it we would be just barely squeaking by. In fact the account book showed quite a tidy surplus. That doesn't actually happen in reality either.

Then I dreamt that we were in an open market in a foreign country and I felt panicked because Squeaker had wandered off and I didn't know where to find her. I turned around and she was right behind me. Actually, the girl didn't look like Squeaker and was a bit younger but in the dream she was Squeaker and she wasn't missing so I guess it turned out all right. Dreams are weird that way.

Finally, I dreamt that I was trapped in an abandoned, haunted high school. I had to go down some steep stairs and a slippery chute to the basement in order to get something I needed to get out of the building. Strange and eerie noises were coming from the basement. Surely a freaky, nightmarish monster of some sort. When I got to the bottom I found it was only a friendly, talking black lab looking for someone to throw his tennis ball. That actually has never happened in reality.

Not to me anyway.

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