Thursday, August 28, 2008

Updating Post Below

Seamonkey told me there was a bad guy upstairs. It's either a monster, a spider, or a bad guy all the time. I told him there wasn't and went upstairs to show him it was okay. As I rounded the corner in the hall, I saw a dark shadow moving at the crack at the bottom of the door. Heart-lurch time again. Turned out I had closed Cooper in the girls room when I shut all the upstairs doors. Lousy dog. Ana and I were going to go to a scary movie this weekend but now I'm rethinking that plan. What a twinkie.

I came downstairs to find The Boss "reading" a book to Seamonkey in the big squashy chair. Awwwwwwww....too cute. I snapped a picture and texted it to Peaches.

About thirty seconds later Seamonkey tried to rip the book out of The Boss' hands. He responded by shouting, "Do you want me to bite you?" Good feeling gone.

The Boss is being completely rude and obstinate today. He's been in time-out three times already and has kept up a constant stream of muttering.

Ana just called again with another update from court. Hard to believe it can get worse and yet it does. They are actually making this a reunification case whether the guardianship stays in affect or not. Four years of nothing from mom then she gets out of prison and into a rehab program for six-months and, presto-bango, here's your kids back. Un-stinkin-believable.

Just not feeling into being productive today. Let's try this one in the iPod.

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