Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ill-Gotten Booty

That's two booty title posts in a row. I'm having an odd week.

And speaking of ill, I'm feeling sick today so I've been trying to work my regular job and keep up with things around the house between naps. Ana has been doing a lot of the chores that I normally do (breakfast, laundry) along with rearranging the toy closet and the living room.

I've been keeping my posts short because my usual speedy computer decided to take a vacation from its responsibilities which I think is quite rude. I'm on a borrowed one that just doesn't want to keep up with me (although I am extremely grateful to have it since I do like to continue to work and get paid and blog and all that.) Okay, where am I? Oh, here I am.

I have found evidence that Squeaker shoplifted from two stores over the weekend and the fault is totally my own. I know that she has that problem but for some reason I completely forgot that she is not allowed to wander around stores alone or without an adult and I allowed it twice. In the past she has even taken things when I am standing right there...and usually I am pretty observant. I have been suspicious enough to have sometimes checked pockets and waistbands right after a shopping trip and had her return stolen items to the store. (Okay, it was the wrong store but that's a different story altogether...and a funny one too.)

Just a few weeks ago, I searched her backback on a hunch and found my iPod which she was trying to sneak off to school. (My hunch was actually about a note from her teacher...can I help it if I turn it around and look like a detecting genius?)

After that incident, I really should have remembered that she is not allowed unsupervised in stores for even a few minutes and I told her that I wouldn't put her in that position. I really was in a good mood over the weekend and somehow believed everybody was a little bit normal. It really was delightful while it lasted though.

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