Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Miss Grown-Ups

I'm feeling especially nostalgic today missing the comraderie of my old radio days back in the "good old days" before it became time to move on. I miss my buddies...people who knew all the back-story and the inside jokes and where the bodies are buried (or the Wile E. Coyote heads). I miss the puns and one-liners and runs for Chinese and cheapy-mexican food. I miss the exchange of ideas and department head meetings and training people and writing ad copy. I miss reciprocal relationships, respect, friendship, and being appreciated. I kinda miss my nice paycheck too.


  1. Me too. I'm kind of getting settled in but there are days I grieve the loss of adult folks. These days all my adult friends live in a computer. ;0

  2. Me too! I have no one here to discuss politics with, and it's painful 'cause there's so much stuff stored up ready to erupt on the first person that asks, "So, what's going on these days in Washington?"

    I miss being able to point to measurable accomplishments; laundry & dishes & dusting & vacuum are not long-term successes. I miss knowing that someone who understands me will join me for peanut M&M's and diet Coke when I'm stressed.

    I miss movie talk & book talk & idea talk. The paycheck was kinda nice too but now seems like just a bonus on top of all the fun.

    And I really miss Monica & Ana.
