Saturday, December 22, 2007

Morning Drama in Two Acts

Act 1

I woke this morning to frantic knocking on my bedroom door. My first response to knocking on my bedroom door is to ignore it, hoping it will go away. Let's try that. Nope. More frantic knocking. Finally, I answered in my most cheerful morning voice (sarcasm), "WHAT?" Drama Boy answered, "Can you come here really quick?" Silly boy...I can't do anything really quick in the morning. "There's something really weird here," he continued.

I followed him to the bathroom and found him examining the tree frogs' soaking bowl. "I don't know if (Sparky) put rocks in here or if those are eggs!" No doubt he was excited about the prospect of even more amphibians to clean up after. Sorry to disappoint you, sweetie. "That's poop," I told him.

After giving him instructions to dump the bowl downstairs because the bathroom sink doesn't drain well, I went off to my sister's room and woke her up so I could complain about how rude it was for Drama Boy to wake me up on a Saturday morning.

Act 2

Walking through the hall back to my own room, I glanced in the bathroom to see dirt and standing water in the sink so I said to Drama Boy, "Do you actually listen to me when I talk to you?" He said that he did so I asked him what I had told him. "You said to clean the bowl downstairs." Exactly. So I asked him, "How did that (gesturing to the now-clogged sink) work out for you?" "It didn't work out at all."

Twenty minutes later, when I went to to take a shower, the dirt and water were still in the joined by a wad of blue chewing gum.

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