Tuesday, January 22, 2008

More Kid Comments

Last week our pastor taught from Revelation 19 about Christ's victorious return on a white horse followed by the armies of heaven. As an illustration he played a clip from Lord of the Rings where Gandalf arrives on a white stallion with the rising sun and the horsemen of Rohan behind him to conquer the evil armies at Helm's Deep.

Later while watching a scene in Return of the King in which Gandalf races through the embattled city of Minas Tirith on his white horse with white robes flowing, The Boss (who was not in that church service) said "Look there's Jesus!" Great minds?

At Drama Boy's birthday sleepover, a friend of his was playing a handheld video game and suddenly commented, "Dude, look how big my brain has gotten!". I'm pretty sure he wasn't talking about his real brain after all those hours of video games.

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