Friday, January 18, 2008

Random Kid Comments

Last night we finished up a week-long viewing of The Lord of the Rings trilogy with the kids. They liked the main characters and the action scenes but had a hard time following Middle-Earth geography and the secondary characters. When we were explaining who Deagol and Smeagol were, Drama Boy pipes up, "There was a seagull flying around at school and one of the kids kept saying 'Look at that beagle!'" Good rhyme connection. I enjoyed it.

Squeaker thought it was "messed" when the oliphaunt got killed in battle. Too bad about those thousands of people, I guess. Reminded me of watching The Lost World: Jurassic Park when the audience laughed when the people got ripped to shreds but booed when the T-Rex ate the dog.

I've had two black eyes for a week and Drama Boy and Sparky didn't even notice. Think they might need to work on eye contact? Drama Boy did tell me on Saturday that I look weird without make-up.

At dinner Drama Boy announced, "Today is the first day all week I played guitar with an amp." Since we didn't hear him using the amp today, Ana asked "When was that?" Drama Boy replied, "At my friend's house." Ooooops! Busted! He did not have permission to be at this friend's only to play outside. He tried to salvage it but couldn't come up with a good story. He's a really bad liar. You'd think since he wants to be an actor he'd at least act convincing.

The littles argue so much they make me think of those two little girls in the Robin William's movie Jack. It would be adorable if it wasn't so annoying.

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