Thursday, February 21, 2008

Happy Birthday, Teenager

Yesterday was Squeaker's 13th Birthday. I won't even get into how weird it feels to be the mom of two teenage girls (not to mention a grandma) even though I have only been parenting for 6 1/2 years.

Squeaker received earrings and make-up and permission to wear both. After dropping the middle boys off with their grandma, the rest of us went to the mall so she could get her ears pierced. We had gigantic hamburgers and chocolate shakes for lunch then spent the rest of the afternoon at home snuggled under blankets watching videos. On Friday she will have a sleepover with her friends which will be her first one ever.

I am very near to finalizing Squeaker's adoption and we are very excited. I go to sign her adoption papers early next month. Her social worker has already emailed me a copy of the "telling" (a report on what is known about the family history and the CPS case). In spite of her challenging behavior, it is amazing to me that she is doing as well as she is given the long years of emotional and physical abuse she endured. There's still a lot to be done working through all that pain and the loss of her first family but she has made some tremendous progress in the last three years. I am very proud of her and privileged to be her mom.

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