Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Potty All the Time

At the risk of sounding like one of those moms who boringly talks about nothing but her kids' boo-boos and potty habits.....

Potty-training the Boss is HECK. He is so persnickety and phobic and uncooperative about it's making me a little crazy. I'd just let it go except that he's now 4 1/2 and it just needs to get done now.

I know it's not me. Ana and I went from trying to train both the Boss and Seamonkey at once to focusing our attention on Seamonkey first since he seemed at least cooperative. After a few false starts that mission is accomplished.

The Boss is just a different story. Some days it seems he completely forgets how to dress himself let alone take on the whole potty ordeal. I went ahead and bought the legos I promised him as a reward hoping I might jolly him along with some incentive. Now he thinks if he sits on the potty after he wets his pants he should get the legos. Or he thinks if he tells me he went even though he didn't he should get the legos. Or he thinks if he wants the legos he should get the legos.

This isn't really working out too well.

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