Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"Oh, My"

A few of our kids pride themselves on their cursing prowess and use words to try to shock when they are angry. We are easily annoyed but not easily shocked. Once, because we apparently have nothing more productive to do, we listed out all the nasty names we have been called by raging or sulking children over the past few years. The list was long and impressive taking up both sides of a paper plate.

I know we're weird...you don't have to keep bringing it up. As an old friend of my parents says, "If you don't laugh, you die!". And we do have to laugh at how routinely we are called ugly names in our own home.

Some kids are very creative but by far the most popular are B., F.B., and for variety F.A.B. Funny that the same kids who spew these charming epithets react in their own shock and horror when they hear someone else use them. Some teens use foul language so commonly in conversations and texting with one another it's amazing that they can curb it at all around adults and younger children.

All the kids often use softer yet still inappropriate words in their everyday speech like "Sucks", "Jerk", "Stupid", "Loser", "Gay". The littles have picked up enough that they also have to be reminded not to use certain words. The Boss is particularly adept at usage of the S-word although he equally prefers "Dang" (Maybe I should teach him cowboy cussin' like Hoss on Bonanza..."Dagnabbit, Little Joe!").

Recently, he decided to copy Stuart Little's G-rated exclamation but still checks it out to make sure it's okay with mom.

Many converstations go something like this:
Him: Oh My!...wait...Mom, can I say Oh My?
Me: Yes.
Him: Oh My! That's a really big truck there!

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