Saturday, November 8, 2008

Rocky At Best

Squeaker's behavior continues to be somewhat erratic. She flies off the handle for no apparent reason, wallows around in anger and defiance, then recovers and is fine for a little while.

The frequency of the episodes is beginning to cause me some concern as we had these angry outbursts down to about once a week but now they are almost daily again. We went through this a few years back when we were in the process of getting a correct diagnosis and getting her meds figured out. Maybe it's time to increase them? I'm not sure. Obviously I expect some ups and downs but I haven't been able to get a straight answer from someone who knows about bipolar to know when it's "as good as it gets".

Meanwhile, since we charge a fine for use of the F-word, she has already cussed away a week and half worth of allowance. She also loses a month's worth of allowance paying me back for the shirt I bought for choir (which she dropped after three weeks in a dramatic fit of temper) and the school lunches charged to her account (because she refuses to take lunch).

She has apologized for her behavior yesterday and seems in earnest about doing extra chores to knock down her debt more quickly. However, every time someone rubs her the wrong way or she gets an answer she doesn't like, I get slammed by her disrespectful attitude and her foul mouth.

I'm beginning to dread the next four years.


  1. Wow..sounds like stereo at my house. Our 14 year old is in the throws of bipolar mania this last week and then settled down for about a day and was up again yesterday doing everything he possibly could to irritate hubby and me! I will pray for you today if you will pray for me. We are doing medicine adjustments right now and it is a little crazy around here! #2 son is just taking it all in, getting ready to strike I am sure!
    Take care of yourself!

  2. Count me in on the prayer exchange! It's so hard to tell what is the illness and what is the attitude. She feels very justified in her behavior as if there is ever a good excuse to cuss and scream at people.
