Monday, December 29, 2008


The breakdown begins. Lack of routine, too much sugar, too little sleep, and too much time together is starting to take its toll. Only a few cracks at present and we'll try to hold it together Macgyver-like with duct tape and Christmas ribbon until school starts next Monday.

Squeaker enjoyed her phone call with her sister then stayed up to late and broke down at bedtime because her sister is moving to Texas in the summer. Logic not being in great supply after midnight, she cried that her little sister is the only family member she stays in contact with and gets to see regularly. While she doesn't see any family members often, she has not seen or spoken to her sister since her mother's parental rights were terminated almost four years ago. Several of her family members including her sister's father are permitted to contact her, but sadly they never do. She is the one who maintains periodic contact with aunts, grandparents, sisters, and even her birthdad. This is the family that she would return to in a heartbeat if she could.

The Boss is having a post-shower meltdown this morning. He has discovered that if you repeat the same thing about a zillion times that it drives every grown-up within a ten-mile radius completely round the bend.

Lucky and Squeaker have been getting along reasonably well since Lucky has been gone for a good chunk of vacation. They have been doing each other's hair and nails and shrieking and giggling a lot. Lucky is a pesterer and that gets old pretty quick. She leaves tomorrow to visit the aunt and uncle that she lived with before she came here. They do a big New Year's shin-dig which we definitely don't, so I'm sure she'll be happy to go off to that while we play board games and eat cinnamon popcorn here. We'll enjoy the break from being asked every five minutes what we are doing today, what can she do now, can she take the dogs for a walk, can we go to the store, what are we having for dinner, do you have any more batteries.....?

The Boss is turning purple screaming "I want my puppy" so I guess it's time to go see if he needs any medical intervention.

Update: The Boss just switched to "I wanna get off the bed". Change is nice.

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