Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Finally a day with no screaming and slamming. A little backtalk and a kicked toy is all. I can live with that.

She keeps giving me a hangdog look and "I apologize" when she thinks that it will get her off the hook. I told her she can stop apologizing and show me with improved behavior if she is truly sorry. We'll see.

I have no idea what to do about visits with her sister since just one afternoon threw her totally out of whack. I'm leaning toward one overnight with her sister here this weekend but no overnight visits at her sister's house since that's where she used to live with her bio mom. I told her that she needed to live in reality and not start to think of the old apartment as home. She agreed but I don't know if that was real agreement or just "give mom whatever she wants to hear so I'll get what I want" agreement. Again, we'll just have to wait and see how things play out and if we can reestablish contact without losing major emotional ground.

One thing I definitely need to do is get her back into counseling. She has done much better without it but now I think it might be beneficial again. When I brought it up to her she screamed at me that she wasn't a "psycho b****" and didn't need therapy. I fined her a dollar for cussing and said I would schedule an appointment anyway.

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