Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I got the phone back when I texted from an unfamiliar number and Lucky replied. Oops. Gotcha.

Squeaker had trouble in school today and called her teacher's aide a nasty name.

Still need to discuss consequences with both but we've definitely got some lost privileges to talk about. Squeaker's already in a majorly snarky mood so it should be a fun evening.

Update: That went about as expected with Squeaker although it could've been a lot worse. She refused meds and has been yelling down the hall at me but so far she's kept any profanity under her breath. Still, I don't see Disneyland in her future.

Update on the Update: Never mind. She just goes from bad to worse and comes up with endless mean, ugly, pointedly hurtful things to say. I sure hope I can get her to school tomorrow because I sure don't want to hang out all day with her. I managed to stay very calm but she is really getting to me lately. I need a break. For the next four years or so.

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