Monday, March 2, 2009


I've been trying to decide if I want to continue blogging or give it up. Things have changed and in the cycle we are in now we seem to be dealing with less annoying-yet-amusing absurdity which was fun and somewhat stress-reducing to blog about. Nowadays most of the kids seem to be in full-blown emotional overload as we go through major life changes for some and major issues with birth family for others.

I want to give a clear picture of what life with older adopted/foster kids and kids with mental illness is like but also want to protect the privacy and confidentiality of said kids. I wish life with my adopted kids was all sunsets and kittens and happy endings like an episode of "Adoption Stories" but that's just not reality. They're dealing with huge losses, emotions, feelings of unfairness, and many other issues and it comes out primarily in one way.....anger. It's not all bad but it sure isn't all good either. That doesn't change the fact that I love all my kids dearly and wish life didn't have to be so hard and frustrating for them.

Right now blogging allows me to de-stress a bit. It helps me to read blogs of other adoptive parents of older kids to know that we are not alone in the crazy life we've chosen. I've gotten a lot of comfort and ideas from other bloggers. I doubt that I have been as helpful but sometimes it's just nice to know that someone else's life is a bizarre as your own feels.

So I think I will continue to blog for now but will need do so in a way that is much more careful about the personal info shared. For those of you who personally know us, thanks for using what you read here to gain understanding and compassion and for loving and supporting my kids even when you've heard the worst.


  1. Please don't quit blogging. I know I almost never comment but I'm always reading. I'd miss you.

  2. Your blog is one I never miss. It is kind of like doing a radio show. Mostly one way communication, thinking you are just talking to yourself sometimes, but more helpful and informative than you know. Keep it up as long as you can. It helps those who care about you guys to stay connected with information.

  3. PLEASE keep blogging! I read almost daily. If nothing else, it helps me to know I'm not alone in my crazy life!
