Thursday, April 23, 2009

Day 2 on a Hostile Planet

Monica and the Boss are visiting Grandma and Grandpa in Washington, D.C. for a little R&R leaving me here where the natives aren't always friendly.

Yesterday, Squeaker got mad because she couldn't put a movie on so she stomped up the stairs and slammed her door. I am so done with door slamming around here.

The room she just moved out of has a cracked door, patch on the wall, scraped door jam and loose door knob from several angry door slammers. I really don't want that to happen again, so I followed her upstairs and offered to escort her around the house since she will soon lose the privilege of opening and closing doors for herself. Then I reminded her that she already lost the privilege of being upstairs without permission. Snort. Eyeroll. (That was her, not me.)

She spent the next half hour stalking around the kitchen shooting me dirty looks and muttering under her breath. I didn't even bother to ask. The following half hour was full of nonsense babble at extremely high volume which also included bizarre threats to one of the rats. Don't ask.

I have yet to find out if Squeaker's mood has improved. Both she and Lucky overslept this morning and I only saw them for a minute while I was giving meds with one hand and pushing them out the front door with the other.


  1. YIKES. Will definitely be praying for *you*. How dare Monica go off and leave you with the little mutineers??

  2. Hey, be nice now. I did it for two and half months! Of course, the main mutineer is one of mine but still....

  3. Hehehehe, removing tongue from cheek. Hey, my inbox had a Travelocity update thingy this morning: RT San Diego to Charlotte for only $158. Just sayin'.
