Thursday, April 23, 2009

Movie Mad-ness

For the second day in a row, Squeaker had a teenage tantrum about watching a DVD...this time after I told her to turn off a movie with some inappropriate dialogue which she kept repeating and making sure Lucky didn't miss.

Tonight's display included stomping, defiance, yelling in my face and a lot of muttering under her breath, mostly about how stupid and retarded I am.

During her "time out" she shoved the dining table around and repeatedly banged on the couch. When told to stop, she said, "And what are you going to do if I don't? Yeah, that's what I thought."

When she finally went off to bed, I heard "what a jerk" and "I hate you" coming from the room she shares with Lucky but it got really quiet when I went and stood in the doorway. All is peaceful now. Sweet dreams.


  1. My question is more on how do you endure, cause last night was one of those types of days for me. And man is it hard to just stand/sit there and take those attacks. Any suggestions?

  2. Well, I'm sure not the poster child for patience but I did pick up a few suggestions from James Lehman's Total Transformation Program. It helps you to stay in control, hold the child accountable, and it doesn't excuse any abusive behavior.

    Mostly, though, it just helped me feel like I wasn't crazy and alone and that someone else understands what it like to live like this.

    That's why we have a blog and why we read the blogs of people with similiar experiences. It might not always help in the heat of the moment but it does help to "debrief" and let it go -- especially if you can find some humor in the situation.

    Not always easy, I know. Some days the best you can do is find a shoulder to cry on.

    You know where to find us.

  3. I have missed you guys!!!!!!!!
