Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Squeaker was supposed to be picked up today by her younger birth sister and sister's dad to drive down the coast and go to the beach like they "used to do when they all lived together."

She ran half of the way home from summer school so she would be ready when they arrived at 2:30pm. He always runs a late so I didn't worry about it when he was not here by 3pm even though Squeaker was opening the front door repeatedly so she wouldn't miss them.

By 3:48pm I went out to check on the status of things and Squeaker was a squashy, weeping mess. I told her to go ahead and give him a call to find out what was up. When she got off the phone she said tearfully, "They're not coming." Sister's dad has some physical ailments and is often in pain, as he was today so he couldn't make the long drive.

I feel bad for the guy....but for goodness sake's, fella! You couldn't pick up the phone and let her know you weren't coming before she spent an hour and half with her eyeball glued to the peephole waiting for you? This is his second no-show for a visit. It makes my blood boil that he would be so inconsistent and inconsiderate to my poor kid who has had rejection and disappointment enough.

I reminded Squeaker about our previous talks about not putting too many expectations on her birth family. I could only let her know as matter-of-factly as possible that I knew she was disappointed and I was sorry that the outing was called off, knowing that if I gave it too much attention she would blow it up into a huge drama bringing up every hurt ever done to her.

Still, I'd like to smack that guy upside the head.

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