Thursday, June 4, 2009

First Lost Tooth

The Boss lost his first baby tooth today just in time to show Grandma and Grandpa....not the tooth which will be much to Grandma's relief, just the empty socket. The Tooth Fairy comes tonight. The Boss was not thrilled with the idea of the Tooth Fairy rooting around under his pillow while he was sleeping (she wasn't too thrilled either) so we decided to tape it to the door with a big sign so she'll be sure to find it. The Boss worded the sign himself. It reads, "Right There!" with a big arrow down.

Incidentally, we tell him that the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus are pretend just for fun characters, but he insists they are real and keeps trying to convince me. I think the characters from Lord of the Rings are real so who am I to say?

I've been pestering him to work that tooth out because his big snaggly adult tooth already decided to appear right behind it. Same for his other bottom tooth but it's pretty close too. Perfect timing since he has almost enough money for the toys he's been saving up for.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for the big brave boy! Sure hope the Tooth Fairy was generous.
