Thursday, July 2, 2009

One Year Anniversary

One year ago today was Squeaker's adoption day. Since she is well-known as the "human calendar" able to count fowards and backwards and sideways from any date which is important to her, she has been anticipating the day since July 3, 2008.

We went to Sonic for ice cream, just me and her which made her endlessly happy as she always wants to do things with just the two of us. The Sonicteers forgot to put the ice cream in the drink I ordered which was a bit disappointing and when I tried to reorder the right thing, they never came back with it. Oh well, it was Squeaker's day and she was happy.

She went to a pool party at the youth leader's house and made some new friends in the high school group. This is a big step for her since usually I am cautious about allowing her to go to events because she tends to be a bit over the top behavior-wise.

Afterwards she was hyped and happy but later snottily unpleasant about chores. I just kept adding them on until she was able to do them with a less grumpy demeanor. It didn't take too long so altogether a pretty good day for her.

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