Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happier New Year

One more time around the sun which is about all the traveling we've done this year. Now to resolve or not to resolve, that is the question. We've always been goal-setters, something we learned from our parents since childhood. When I was younger my goals were more about things I wanted to do or have. Now I find myself looking at my goals for the year and they are much more about things I want to BE. We agree that this year we want to be happier. As Dennis Prager says happy people make the world better. This is something we hope the kids can learn this year too. This will require changing their current belief that it's "stuff" that makes you happy. All of our kids have become believers in Jesus in the past year but helping them change a screwy value system that has been scraped and scrabbled together from their pain-filled pasts is proving to be a challenging task. Helping others, doing what we can to make the world better, and pointing people toward Jesus are some things that would be healing for all of us.

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