Monday, March 31, 2008

That's My Boy

The Boss is a funny kid. He is unbelievably stubborn and strong-willed and argues about everything. We're working on that. Sometimes it's frustrating and sometimes it's hilarious.

He has now decided that not only is he "the boss" but now he is "the grown-up" too. He graciously allows me some limited access to his powers. "Okay Mom, you can be the boss today." Gee, thanks, kid. Sometimes he has a narrower time frame. "You're the boss for four minutes." Not that I can't cram a lot of bossing into four minutes.

I am trying to get my room back from him. He recently had to move in with me so we could separate Drama Boy and Sparky. Now that the bigger boys are back in one room we are moving the Boss back into his own room. With much fuss and back-talk, he finally managed to get all his toys out of my room this weekend. He did give my bed a little redo. I don't remember asking for Spiderman sheets.

Yet despite his bossy ways, he is a peacemaker. While playing a Transformers game on my phone in which the good guy Optimus Prime fights the bad guy decepticons I could hear him giving voice to the players. "Do you want to be friends? Do you want to be friends? I'll shoot you then. POW! POW! POW!"

Look at that face. Very intense player. He's got a furrow. And also, if you look closely, a scab from where Seamonkey threw a plastic lion at him.

Last night he was playing Transformers with a pile of toffee peanuts he was eating. One peanut was clearly our protagonist Bumblebee while the others were decepticons. "Pow! Pow! Pow!" Such violence during dessert. He turned to me and said. "Mom, the peanuts are playing. Do you want to play with my peanuts?"

I've never been asked that before. I think I hurt myself laughing.

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