Thursday, March 27, 2008

Three of a Kind

We have three cars and one of them is not working well right now and the other two not at all. Holding out on fixing our main car until there was money to do it was, in retrospect, not that great a move since the money never materialized and it's been sitting at our sister's house for months. It's actually our best car and fits all of us most comfortably.

Ana's van, which also fits all of us, just gave up in apparent protest of the increased workload. Our third car is being temperamental about starting and frequently runs hot but will be okay for around town until its turn in the shop. It doesn't fit all of us and we go to church and have appointments in the next county so some activities are on hold.

I hate car problems. So frustrating, inconvenient, and expensive. And it seems like we have enough cars that we never should be stuck without one.

Kind of like blowing a tire when the spare is already on the car.

Yes, I've done that too.

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