Monday, April 28, 2008

Under the Bus

Squeaker's antics on the school bus continue.

On Thursday I got a call from a mom of another student who told me that Squeaker put gum in her son's hair. She said she almost cried when she saw the bald spot he had from trying to pull out the gum. I don't think she intended it to be vicious (Squeaker, not the mom). She's had a crush on this kid since he started riding the bus (Squeaker, not the mom).

Of course, she denies it and blamed it on another girl saying with a dramatic sigh and eye roll, "The ONE time I'm telling the truth...". Which I guess implies that I didn't believe her which, of course, I did not.

The next day I checked in with the bus driver to see if she was behaving that week and he said no. I asked if he wrote her up and he said he had done it all year but nothing changed so I guess he's given up.

Squeaker's teacher left a message on Friday about the incident and to let me know that she had become verbally abusive when he talked to her about it. Several classmates had reported that she had hit the same kid earlier in the week. She was sent to the counselor's office and they were handling it. He was supposed to call me back and let me know what they were going to do but I haven't heard from him. Maybe he's given up too.

She had a good report from the driver today so she exclaimed loudly for the benefit of all the bus riders (and the neighbors, I guess), "See, Mom, I behave sometimes!" Later in the day she asked me "Did you like the report you got from Mr.---- today?"

Apparently this one good deed is supposed to compensate for her snotsy disrespect this week and her smart-mouth showing off misbehavior on the bus all year.

I don't exactly know how to respond to that. I suppose I should say----great job, keep it up! Too bad I'm not much of a cheerleader. I am glad she made it one day with no problems, but it annoys me that now she's pestering me for strokes because she managed not to assault or insult anybody for half an hour on the bus.

I also know that if I don't give her what she wants I'll pay for it later. More on that later. I'm too tired and it's too tedious for tonight.

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