Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Squeaker came home from school today talking to the boys about a movie she had seen in class. "It's not for sale yet but Mr. C brought in a bootleg copy."

Of course, I jumped in and said this is NOT okay even if it was a teacher who did it. This issue has come up repeatedly and it drives me crazy. The boys will come back from spending the night at a friend's house having watched movies at their home which are still in the theater...and not all rated appropriately for 9 year olds. Social workers have offered to burn copies of their personal cds for the kids. Not only would I not allow Squeaker to have some the cds that were offered, but that's illegal, people. I have told the kids repeatedly that making or buying pirated copies of cds and dvds is stealing from the producers and artists who own the copyright.

Teachers and social workers and parents offering stolen entertainment to my kids while I am trying to teach them a value system that applies to their whole life without compromise is frustrating. I am also trying to teach them respect for adults and it's an interesting balancing act when I tell them that these adults that I want them to act respectfully towards are acting in a way in which I do not approve.

This is a small thing, but aggravating nonetheless. Many a conscience has been eroded by such small things.

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