Friday, June 20, 2008


The temperature is 110 today. Dry-up casualties include the strawberry plants, Gerbera daisies, string beans, onions, and my sinuses. I think the strawberries will recover.

Squeaker had what must have been heat-induced insanity this afternoon when, instead of getting on the school bus she ditched and left school property to apparently walk to a boy's house. The driver of another bus spotted her and stopped but she refused to get on the bus. I got a call from a teacher, the bus driver, and later the summer school principal and had to go find her.

I thought she would run the other way when she saw the car but she came straight to the car and got in (a little warmed by walking in the heat wearing long sleeves, perhaps?).

I have not said anything to her about it yet but have required her to sit at either the kitchen table or living room couch so I can keep an eye on her. She'll have to be within an arm's reach of me all weekend which will stink for her tomorrow since it's Foster Family Picnic day and there's lots of fun stuff to run around and do for kids who don't have to be within an arm's reach of mom.

Come to think of it, it will probably stink for me too.

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