Monday, June 23, 2008

Snark of the Day

It was a tough call because we've had a snarkful, snitty, hot, irritable weekend. But, of course, we went with the ones that made us laugh. All decisions of the judges are final.

Second Runner-Up: Sparky

Context: Four hour self-pity party. We're getting a new girl tomorrow who will be sharing a room with Squeaker. I bought new bedding, a rug, and a mirror for their room. Sparky always gets upset when someone gets something he doesn't. Never mind the fact that he received new bedding and room decorations when he first moved in and again from his grandma when we moved into our new home. He now wants Ana to take back everything she ever gave to him. Ana told me that if she does that all he will have left is a collapsable hamper, some broken toys, two t-shirts, and a comforter.

Snark: "You think you know how to take care of kids. Yeah, right!"

Zing! Ow, that one really hurt. Yeah, right.
First Runner-Up: Squeaker

Context: Mini-tantrum at lunch. The mexican restaurant we went to gave us free refillable kids drinks. Free stuff? No argument from me. Squeaker took one look at the small size of the cup and picked it up, moved it away, and turned away from it with her arms crossed huffily. Since Ana and I were sharing a drink I happily took the little discarded cup and got myself a soda from the fountain. A while later she got thirsty and realized her cup and was gone then proceeded to have a snitty fit although I told her to feel free to ask for a water cup ("Yeah, right"). Okay whatever... contentedly sipping my tiny little soda. She muttered snotty comments almost continuously for next 20 minutes. Finally, I told her there would be no soda next time either to which she responded:

Snark: "Like I would come back here again anyway.....the food is GAHross." While still shoveling it in.

Okay, I admit that Ana and I laughed out loud at that one (and I don't mind packing her PB&J for next time).
The Winner: Sparky

Context: Sparky and Drama Boy were wrestling upstairs when we were supposed to be walking out the door to go to church. Ana called them repeatedly. Finally they came down but Sparky stopped on the stairs and refused to come. Ana told him "People are waiting in the hot car. You need to come now and stop being selfish."

Snark: I am NOT selfish. Besides I don't care if they are waiting in the car!"

Snark you very much.

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