The boys were getting shaggy so a good bit of my Saturday went to hair cutting.
Cooper, The Boss, Johnny Cash BEFORE AFTER There was obviously more wind and sun for the "after" picture so my subjects were not as cooperative but I don't think it was strictly necessary for Cooper to poke his tongue at me.
Formerly known as Snark Bait. One house, two single moms (twins!) and now way down to one emerging adult, one teenager, one pre-teen, one kindergartener, six pets, and countless absurd adventures in foster/adoptive/guardianship parenting.
Monica's kids: "Squeaker" 14 (daughter, home 2005, adopted July 2008). "The Boss" 5 (son, home 2003, adopted June 2006). Daughter 18 (adopted October 2008) and grandson 4 (now living with his other grandma). Ana/Auntie's kid: "Lucky" 12 (foster daughter)
Shoulda cut that shaggy backyard while you were at it!