Saturday, September 20, 2008

This Just In

News Flash! Drama Boy now saying he really wants to stay...but wants Sparky to move back in.

Poor emotionally fragile kid getting mucked up by family visits every weekend. By the time he recovers and comes to his senses it's time to go back for more.

That judge must have some seriously loose screws to be allowing this.


  1. Do you have commishioners or judges? Never have I been more interested in reading up on who I'll be voting in as judge next go round as I am after being a foster parent. These people should be required to be foster parents before they are put in charge of these kids lives.

  2. The outcome of your case certainly depends on the judge you get. This particular judge has a reputation for being very pro-bio-parent and so is very generous with visits and lax about that pesky 18-month time limit for completing a case plan.

    Definitely interesting in this case because he's seen the bio-mom in his courtroom for almost five years pulling all the same stuff. Not sure what he thinks has changed.
