Saturday, October 11, 2008


Squeaker drew her line in the sand and refuses to make, take, or eat lunch at school. And I don't care. Maybe I should. Maybe this is another one of her test to see if I am (in her words) "a good enough mom". But I just don't care. She is hardly starving herself and if she doesn't perform as well as she could in school because she doesn't want to fuel her brain, that is her choice.

Now she has decided that she will not eat breakfast either. That's a bit too much, in my opinion. She does not have an eating disorder (although she pretended to a few years ago and spent a couple months melodramatically telling people so). Her attitude is more like "You can't tell me what to do so s***w you." She likes to play the weary warrior in the mornings who spent all night tossing and turning (she doesn't have sleep problems but pretends she does and likes to tell her therapists and her psychiatrist so) who now must mope and heave great sighs and mistreat others because of her rough night and yell at me that she's just not hungry OKAY?

I don't care if she skips lunch but I DO care if she skips both breakfast and lunch only to overeat at dinnertime. She never refuses dinner and when I asked her why she skips other meals but wants seconds and thirds at dinner she said, "Because it tastes good." Ah, so she can eat when she is not hungry.

So here's the deal. Lunch or no lunch is up to her. Breakfast is required. If she chooses not to eat breakfast then I'm not going to fight her on it. She may be excused to go about her day. However, on those days she may not have any junk food, soda, or dessert. Even if it's a weekend, a birthday, or a holiday. It's not meant as a punishment, but I see no reason to give a green light on these things to a child who refuses to eat real food at mealtimes.

So on the first day of the new deal she scowled and poked at her breakfast for half an hour taking only a couple bites. Finally it got to be past time for her to finish getting ready for school so I told her she was excused, but remember no treats or dessert today. She yelled at me that she DID eat, before dumping a full bowl of oatmeal down the drain. No dice.

When it came around to dessert time in the evening (and it was birthday) she glared pointedly at me from across the room then moved closer to stare me down. Then she stood and leaned with both hands on the table hovering over me. Peaches asked if she was going to have any and she said snottily near my ear, "I don't think so because I SUPPOSEDLY didn't eat breakfast."

I asked her to please move away from me. She allegedly did so. Can't wait for this "I'm so weird I don't even eat" phase to end.


  1. Have you ever had a kid who puked their food on you on purpose? Just curious since my daughter did this with us her first year home. It started only at dinner to disrupt things. Then she started getting it on during breakfast. She would literally chase me across the house to puke on me. If so, how did you handle it.

    We would have Tara eat outside (if she was willing to eat) during the summer. But things got REALLY messy for an entire winter. And winters are LONG in Minnesota.

    Then she would go to school and tell them she had nothing to eat, we were starving her, etc. And that was our honeymoon period...

  2. Ugh. That is so gross! Never had that one happen.

    I did have one little girl who threw up all over herself, her carseat, and the backseat of the car every day when I took one of the other kids to school. That was nasty enough. I have no idea what I'd do if a kid was intentionally puking on me. Ewwwwwww!

    When mine was trying to be bulimic she would make herself throw up using both hands to choke herself. Her foster sister and I told her to knock it off and she did. She does weird things like that for the attention and once I call her on it she stops (did that with cutting last year was actually more like "scratching" but she wrote morbid poems about it and left them around the house for us to find).

    We live strange lives don't we?

  3. Yeah, we told her to knock it off, too. It actually took almost a year with a RAD therapist to get her to stop. It wasn't a bulimia thing but a "I'm gonna get you thing."

    Oh, yep. Tara will scratch herself until she bleeds. Removed all the skin from her thumb a few weeks ago. Chews on her lips until they blister.

    Very strange lives...
