Monday, October 13, 2008

24 Hours

Squeaker and Drama Boy got into a fight on Friday over what movie they were going to watch next. When it started to get ugly, I stepped in and told them they lost the privilege to choose so move away from the tv so I could put something on for the littles.

DB had to be told twice but finally shut his mouth and moved on. Squeaker, as she often does, turned the fight on me when she didn't get what she wanted. Never a good move. She can get pretty gnarly pretty quickly and it's impossible to get her to reign in her temper once she gets going.

I had her sit out for the remainder of the evening and she lost all privileges until she could go 24 hours without talking back or being rude to me or anyone else. Since her "time" was on Saturday she did it easily as we had no other plans that day.

She has maintained a pleasant demeanor through the rest of the weekend and this morning. I wish we could continue this way but her mood changes without warning and often with no apparent provocation. During the week is often the worst because her stress level is higher.

It's tough when you don't enjoy your kid very much a lot of the time.


  1. I can very much relate. I think the only time that Tara is consistently nice, or at least tolerable, is when she has lost her privileges.

  2. Oh don't I know about having periods where you don't enjoy being around your kid(s). It's almost painful, because I always wanted to be a mom so badly. Sometimes I think I forget that in the midst of the background-fueld rages.
