Monday, October 13, 2008


The Boss totally flipped out a little bit ago when I put him on his bed and shut the door because he wouldn't sit in time out.

Seamonkey was already in timeout on his bed because he would not stay where I put him either. He was laying quietly on his bed, but the Boss reacted like the kid in The Sixth Sense when he got locked in the attic. I'm pretty sure there were no dead people in the bedroom, but he screamed "I'm scared, I'm scared!" repeatedly.

When I opened the door he kicked and pounded the walls, broke a nightlight, kicked and scratched at me when I tried to hold him, then thrashed around and smacked the dog twice in the face when I put him down. When I got after him about hitting the dog he finally wanted to be picked up. It took a while for his screaming to subside and then he whined for a while longer and allowed me to hold him but only cradled, not sitting up.

He was terrified and angry and completely out of control. He's fine now and I'm tense. I guess I won't be putting him in his room again.


  1. "I'm pretty sure there were no dead people in the bedroom"

    That made me laugh really hard. I'm sorry, I know that the situation wasn't funny - but I love the way you write.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks, that's nice of you. Actually one of the reasons that I like to blog (even though my griping about everything gets tedious even to me) is that it seems a lot funnier to me later on the blog than it did when it actually happened. Keeps me out of the nuthouse anyway.
