Friday, October 31, 2008

Not A Great Parental Moment

Another profanity-spewing, door slamming morning and afternoon. Getting old. Squeaker lost the privilege to dress up and trick-or-treat or even leave my side at the harvest festival we were getting ready for.

When she refused to get up and out the door so we could drop off two kids for visits and then go for pizza night and to our church's festival, I completely lost patience.

I later apologized and she accepted but I told her that my poor choice of words did not change the fact that her behavior and language all week had been entirely unacceptable. She agreed. I told her which limited privileges she could have for the evening and let her know her conduct would determine if she would be allowed more or less.

She pulled it up and had a pretty good night. I'm exhausted. It was a rough week for everyone. Lots of moodiness and not much cooperation heading into a very busy weekend.

1 comment:

  1. You're allowed to have not great parent moments. The fact you are able to pull it together and apologize is awesome.

    I'm trying to yell less, and it's working, but I swear sometimes it's the only thing that works. Good parenting or not.
