Monday, November 3, 2008

The Party's Over

Grandma left today and the old snarky Squeaker returned.

Three weeks ago she rearranged her school schedule to join choir. She called me and begged....please, please, know I've always wanted to sing. I agreed hesitantly when she was on the phone. It turned into a bit of a problem because I had some reservations about her joining and when I did not show the proper amount of enthusiasm she turned it into an afternoon scream-fest. Her behavior addressed and sorted out, she started the following Monday. She neglected to tell me she had two performances that week. For one I had to take her early to school (she normally rides the bus) and the other was on a Saturday where we already had plans. She also forgot to mention that before those performances I had to buy her school choir shirt and make sure she had black pants and shoes to wear. Grumble, grumble, grumble....but I did it.

In the midst of this she also decided to join the basketball team at school. I had already said no to this because she is involved in cheer and too many activities for her are not a good thing. That turned into a rip-roaring, multi-day, screaming, door slamming tantrum.

Last week she had to be dropped off early again to be measured for the dress which we will need to buy for more formal concerts. Okay, did it, done. No, I cannot donate sodas for your fundraiser car wash, so sorry.

Then on Friday of last week she announced that she was dropping choir to become an aide in the office. Huh? What's up with that? Screaming, door slamming, F-word spewage, since you ask.

Today the real? truth came out. She had an incident with one of the girls in the class. Squeaker did nothing wrong, the girl just hates her. So she asked to get out of the class so she wouldn't lose it and get suspended. Her counselor really does want her to be an office aide though.

Wait, don't like that one? Well, the plan was to join choir because she needed an elective in order to become office aide. She only took the class so she could drop and become an office aide. Real-ly? So glad I scrambled around (on my birthday!) to get her to all her performances and bought her outfit and endured her tantrums about getting into the class.

Well, what if there's a problem as office aide? There won't be because the only other kid is her best-best friend. REAL-LY? And they get to go around together without a teacher to deliver notices to the classrooms. Oh, so fun.

So of course there won't be a problem. The only problem is that I won't give her a chance. I obviously just want to pick a fight since I am even questioning this move. She is going to trust her kids. I'm giving that the "Snark of the Day" award. So far she's lied and manipulated to get to be office aide and her counselor and resource teacher think it's a good move and I'm the mean, old witch because I'm not on board.

She acted like a horse's patoot all evening, muttered snide comments, told the dog "At least you're loved" and refused meds. SO looking forward to spending the day with her tomorrow because refused meds means no school.

I told her I appreciated her helping me by her actions make the decision about what she's ready for and what she's not. Her reply, "Bite me!"

Yep, so ready to run around campus without adult supervision.

1 comment:

  1. I so want to homeschool when mine are school age. The preschool teachers already don't "get" it.

    I'm just not sure I can handle their behaviors all. day. long. 7. days. a. week.

    And I'd have to sell my photography studio, which would just be fantastic in this economy.
