Monday, November 10, 2008

Ignorance is Bliss

The weekend was made better by the fact that I missed a call from Squeaker's teacher on Friday letting me know she had a "rough" day on Thursday when he was out sick. On Friday when he was going to impose her in-school suspension, she flipped out and thoroughly cussed him out and had to be sent to the counselor's office. Didn't get that message until last night.

I had a lot on my mind last night regarding a few of the kids, but decided to put off worrying about it until the next day. So instead all the situations I was thinking about invaded my dreams in much worse scenarios than they actually are in real life. Hardly a restful night.

This week I get to do all the little errands and unpleasant chores I have put out of my mind and have been procrastinating on for too long. At least I won't have to keep trying to figure them out while I'm sleeping.

1 comment:

  1. In situations like that, I tend to think that God shielded me from that phone call. He knew you needed a restful, pleasant weekend and you wouldn't have had a chance at that if you'd gotten that phone call earlier.
