Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"It's Everywhere!"

The Boss has lots and lots of very thick, coarse, sticky-up hair. He also has some sensory issues and is easily bothered by uncomfortable things touching his skin.

This combination makes haircutting a nightmare. I have to bribe him with candy, ice cream, cookies and all other manner of junk food. For one haircut he got a donut, ice cream, and coke for breakfast following (it's was Thanksgiving morning, I can justify that has a special treat for the holiday, right?). And that's just to get him to sit in the chair.

His last haircut was, by far, the worst we've had in a while. Dreading the inevitable, I had let him get way too poofy. He thrashed, kicked, screamed, slithered off the chair, and yelled "Owie, owie, owie. It's itchy!" incessantly. Ana had to hold him while I did the best I could with the scissors. I really wanted to pull out the clippers but he about went through the roof when I suggested it even though it's a much faster solution to the poof problem.

All that movement caused the clipped hair to go down his shirt and get all over his face and hands resulting in him screaming "It's everywhere!" repeatedly. He rubbed an itchy spot on his chest until it welted and then bled. Haircuts should just not be this traumatic (and the Boss had a pretty rough time too).

He was such a stinker afterwards that he only got one piece of chocolate but at least the deed is done for another month or so.

He is pretty darn cute though!


  1. That child is so gorgeous. He looks like he is ornery :) All of your kids are beautiful, though!

  2. We have the same issue at our house. One of our sons thinks he is going to get his haed cut off with my scissors and the other acts as if he is dying. Not only do we have sensory issues, but the fear for them is SOOOO real! Once, I nipped J on his ear with my hair cutting scissors and he acted as if I had beaten him. And it was because he moved and wiggled.

    They hate the barber too. S sits there and squints until he is finished as if he is going to get murdered and doesnt want to watch it happen.

    And dont get me started on earwax. My Gosh....with the way he screamed the other night, Im surprised DHR didnt hear him!

    And by the way my boys are 13 and 14.. they revert way back to 2 or 3 when it comes to getting hair cut!

