Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Stuff We're Doing

It's that time of the year with lots of new kids into the foster care system so we've been getting calls for placement of young children. Unusual since our agency mostly places older kids. Today we got calls for two sets of sisters each with a baby and a younger elementary girl. The distance we now live from our licensing county is a barrier to actually getting any new-to-the-system kids in our home since they tend to have more frequent visits. It would be fun to have some little girls here for Christmas though.

Squeaker continues her swing of friendly, cooperative behavior. Always nice to be on this end of the pendulum for however long it lasts.

Lucky just returned from science camp. Only two minor injuries while there, one canoe finger-crush incident and one rock wall chin bashing, so not bad.

Stickers moves back home (with us) next week. She's never spent Christmas with us so we are almost as excited as "baby's first Christmas".

The Boss is his goofy little self, stoked about turning five in less than two weeks. Where did my little fluffy-headed baby go? I can't believe he'll be in school next year. I love 5/6 year old little boys...such a fun age.

Off to see the girls perform for their last night of cheer.

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