Wednesday, February 11, 2009

School Meeting

The IEP meeting at Squeaker's school went about as expected. Her math teacher Mr. B came down pretty hard on her but did it in a kind way. Her failing grade is due solely to missed assignments not test scores. She will have to repeat alegebra 1 as a freshman. No surprises there. She tried to act surprised and indignant but her special ed teacher jumped on it right away telling her to let Mr. B finish talking. I also reminded her that we already had the discussion at home that she will likely repeat math next year. If she continues to complete the work this year she will have a jump on it next year.

Her behavior has improved tremendously and her teacher had all good things to say about how hard she is trying and succeeding at containing her anger at school. She has an A in her general ed english class and is doing well in all subjects but math where her emotions and attitude are her downfall.

She'll attend summer school through the special ed program on the high school campus and will receive credits. We'll try the public high school for next year as it reportedly has an excellent special ed program and hope to move her into all mainstream classes by the end of her freshman or sophomore year.

Those were much better reports in an IEP meeting than we have received before so I am guardedly optimistic that she will continue to progress positively in both behavior and academics.

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