Saturday, February 9, 2008

What the Heck Just Happened?

We had a pretty good week around here. Some snarky comments throughout the week but for the most part cooperative and friendly behavior.

And then came Saturday...the middlers spent the morning at the Boys and Girls Club, Peaches and Seamonkey visited a friend in the hospital who just had a baby, and Ana, the Boss and I ran some errands.

The boys were squirrely in the back seat on the trip home but by the time we got here all three of the middles lost it: talking back, slamming doors, stomping, cursing, refusing to comply. Apparently, it IS too much to ask that chores be done before everyone takes off outside (in case you wanted to know). Sparky and Squeaker both called us names embellished with an F-word adjective. Drama Boy said to both Ana and me "Why do you have to be so mean?"

Here's the kicker....these kids have no idea that the way they behave is extreme and that most kids don't react in this abusive and destructive way when they don't get their way. They justify it constantly saying they were "bored", "just playing around", or they tell us "stop making me mad then". For them it is the logical reaction to their frustration and anger. They enjoy the chaos and drama that it creates. It's what they are used to from their chaotic pasts, sort of a disfunctional comfort zone. And somehow, they continue to think that we will be bullied into giving them whatever they want.

SO not happening, guys.

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