Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Hanging In There

No, we haven't fallen off the planet. We are still daily dealing with Sparky's issues. He is increasingly hostile, oppositional, and aggresive. Not a day goes by that he doesn't call us all names and defy house rules. The other kids sometimes tattle but mostly ignore except for Drama Boy who got sucked in yesterday. They both were required to stay in and Sparky went out anyway. That's not FAIR so Drama Boy took off too. They rounded out the evening by spraying some of us, including Seamonkey and a social worker, with the hose and then getting angry because we are sooooo mean as to give them consequences. When told he could not watch a dvd after dinner as we usually do, Sparky said to Ana "You'll regret that, you A**hole." He'll see to it that we do, too.

I have a tension pain between my shoulder blades and Ana has had a headache for two days. We are now discussing our limited options about how to handle the situation.


  1. Sounds like you've been having a rough go. Sending you positive thoughts. Thanks for writing.


  2. Thanks for the well-wishes. They are gratefully accepted!
