Monday, March 24, 2008

A Rare Day

Sometimes, once in a very great while, we have a wonderful day when everyone is well-behaved, pleasant with each other, and actually fun to be around. When it happens on a holiday, it is nothing short of miraculous. This Easter was one of those rare days.

All through breakfast, the Jesus Movie Project (we didn't make it to church because the only car that fits all of us wouldn't start), lunch with family, Guitar Hero with the cousins, August Rush (their only Easter gift), jump rope, Apples to Apples, egg decorating, dinner around the fire pit, a night time Easter egg hunt with glow-in-the-dark eggs, more time around the fire pit with the middles drinking hot chocolate and amusing each other with fart jokes (I got to supervise that since Peaches and Monica were putting the littles to bed) the kids were happy, relaxed and even grateful. Yep, you read that right...grateful. The most amazing thing was that I only had to tell them one time to go to bed. Remarkable. Unheard of.

What a gift. Thanks, guys.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great day. I'm glad you were able to pull it off. Congrats!
