Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Planet Make-No-Sense

I've been informed by Peaches that "I'm losing it" because I haven't written anything funny lately. Sorry, but I can't figure out how to blog her designed-by-fruit-punch-hooters-tshirt. Let me just say, WAY too much ice in the cup.

Moving on...

It started out to be a pleasant afternoon as afternoons in our house go. The girls had a neighbor friend over. Everyone was doing their respective things. The boys were helping barbecue hamburgers. Then Lucky found that someone had written on a letter that she was working on for her mom, finishing an unfinished sentence with "...because I hate you, fat lard".

Lucky immediately blamed Drama Boy who has been pretty hateful in addition to pulling pranks like leaving Lucky's swimsuit in the toilet. Drama Boy immediately began crying and wailing that he had not done it. Lucky produced the evidence. It was evident that it had been written by someone who wrote more neatly and more girly than DB usually does.

He continued to make his case saying that if he had written it he would have used more swear words. Great. Thanks for the tip-off for next time.

We managed to get through dinner and then the incident was brought up again. Drama Boy started up again with the whining and denying and explaining. Ana told him "We're not going to talk about it any more because I believe you."

Well, you'd think that would be the end of it. But no, because we live in some sort of distorted parallel backwards and upside down universe. Therefore, to Drama Boy it was his cue to really turn on the waterworks, this time because he didn't believe Ana that she believed him. He carried on and cried for a good nine and a half minutes about how no one ever lets him say anything.

Yeah. I know. Bizarre. There must be some kind of portal back to reality somewhere around here.

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