Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Good Night

We had a semi-eventful night last night but it still ended fairly early and reasonably quietly which is about as good as we can ask for.

Sparky went to a friend's house coming home after dark again, a couple of hours late wearing swim trunks and dripping water around the kitchen. Ana told him to take a shower and get ready for bed which he did without drama and when I went later to check on him he was asleep before bedtime.

Due in part to Sparky's tardy return, dinner was late and some of the kids were dragging by the time it was on the table. The little boys were wildly jumping and wrestling around the entire downstairs before I could get them into the shower where they continued to wildly jump and wrestle.

I sent Squeaker upstairs for a shower while Drama Boy took his downstairs. Half an hour later when Squeaker had not emerged, I went up to check. She was not yet showered but laying on the floor listening to the radio and reading. I asked why she hadn't gotten a shower. She said (well, whined but I'm trying to be nice) that someone was in there already. I peeked in the big boys' room and saw Sparky in bed. Lucky and The Boss were on my heels and everyone else was downstairs. Then she said (or rather, whined) that the bathroom door was locked and she couldn't get in. The Boss walked over, turned the knob, and informed "It's OPEN!". He's helpful like that.

Since it was already after bedtime, I told Squeaker to get ready for bed without a shower and Lucky to get her shower. Squeaker whined (actually, snarled/slammed/stomped...but I'm trying to be nice). After I bathed the littles and put them to bed, I told her to come down for meds. She said rather snottily, "I don't think I want to." When I requested again, she complied. That's a pretty major accomplishment as she used to routinely refuse meds whenever she was angry.

As I got her meds she said over and over again, "What's the last name on those med bottles?" until I finally told her I wasn't going to play those silly games with her. She thinks she can hurt my feelings by saying she didn't want to be adopted. Nope. It's petty enough to irritate my tough hide but does not pierce at all.

Drama Boy again begged to stay. He's panicking at the thought of having to leave this week and asked Ana to go to court on Thursday and tell them that he really does want to live here. Ana told him that his attorney is the one who represents him in court and allowed him to place a call to her voicemail. Only it was the wrong number so he then pleaded his case three times to a total stranger. He managed to find the humor in it as did Ana and Stickers who couldn't figure out why he said the same thing three times in succession with increasing emphasis.

I asked Stickers if all the drama was better in real life or on the blog and she said, "On the's quieter." And I thought it was because I infused it with my warped sense of humor. Oh well.

And that, my friends, is a pretty quiet evening around here.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha this was funny...u have a wonderful way with words...i must get used to lucky tho...i keep forgetting her nickname and who she
