Thursday, August 14, 2008

Good Reminder

Sometimes, for some reason, we remember fondly our years taking "crisis" foster placements. What were we thinking? We had houses next door to each other and took 5 or 6 kids each, either new to foster care or changing placements. We had a lot of really good, fun kids. And then there were the others that were not so fun. Usually change-of-placements-bounced-around-in-the-system-awhile kids...which should tell you something about how effective the foster care system is which is a whole other story.

Anyhoo, for the next few days we are providing respite care for another family in our agency so they can take a break. J has been here before. Eleven years old and doesn't have to listen to anybody. He's not exactly belligerent or anything, just doesn't listen. Walks away. Out the door, away from messes, as you're talking to him. Any time, any place. Doesn't listen.

Squeaker is also obnoxiously busy showing off. Manic laughter, rude conversation, and loud voices have prevailed since yesterday afternoon. The boys' room is trashed.

While Ana was sorting family pictures to give to some of our former foster children, all the kids joined in looking at old photographs. Upon seeing a picture of our younger brother in the Army and hearing that our other little brother just signed up and starts boot camp soon, J said with a smile, "I bet you're going to be sad when they die."

Well, he got the "lecture" from me and I finished by telling him don't ever again say that to anybody who has a family member in service to our country.

But then, of course, he doesn't listen.

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