Thursday, August 14, 2008

"Have a Nice Trip. See You Next Fall."

Last night I took Drama Boy, Sparky, Squeaker and our respite kiddo, J, on one of our "good citizen walks." This time we walked from our house to the nearby WalMart, picking up abandoned shopping carts along the way and returning them to the store.

Despite my pre-walk lecture about staying together, not being loud, rude, inappropriate or otherwise obnoxious, the kids climbed in and out of the carts, ran off the sidewalk, played bumper carts, ran a cart into a fence, did not stay together and were generally loud, rude, inappropriate and obnoxious.

And, just to prove true the old cliche that "no good deed goes unpunished," my flip flops hit some water as I was crossing the street and I slipped, slid, flipped and flopped, landing hard on my knee and rolling backwards into the gutter water. Since we were still a few blocks from WalMart, I decided to continue on, dripping and squelching along the way.

Half a block later, the sidewalk was slick from sprinkler run-off. You guessed it...down I went, this time doing the splits and landing again on the same knee. Not a perfect landing, but at least this time I wasn't rolling around in the middle of the street.

We finally made it to the store, stowed the carts and walked back home without incident (with Sparky cheering me on "there's some you see it? careful...don't fall...yay, you didn't fall...good job!) but I don't think I'm going to wear those flip flops on a public street ever again.


  1. I'm glad you weren't hurt. I did the same thing at the school where I teach. I was wearing my Crocs flip flops and hit a puddle in the hall. Luckily, there were no witnesses to my graceful actions.

  2. Actually, I'm notorious for my slips and falls. I even fell off a roof once while hanging Christmas lights (landed on my sister's truck -- left a BIG dent).

    A few weeks ago I was at the mall wearing the same flip flops and slipped twice. The second time, I threw my cell phone several feet while grabbing onto my petite 11-year-old for support. Let me just say...way too much wax on those floors!
