Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Too Many Good-byes

Today we had to say good-bye to Sparky as he moved to a new placement.

We had a special dinner for him with ice cream floats for dessert. Trying to do something "special" for our kids (or any break in normal routine for that matter) always presents a challenge. Add to that the emotional impact of saying good-bye to yet another person in their lives...well, let's just say that it did not create the warm and loving memory we were hoping for.

Drama Boy skipped dinner and, with much moaning and drama, went to bed with a stomach ache. He rallied himself for dessert and then dissolved into a moping puddle of tears and snot when told he would have to pass. Sparky joined in the tears and declared he would not have any dessert if his brother wasn't having anything because "That's what Jesus would do."

Squeaker and Lucky got into a catfight at the dinner table which led to some pretty ugly words from Squeaker which led to an invitation for her to leave the table by Monica. She managed to get in some mean parting shots hollered over her shoulder as she stomped and slammed her way upstairs to her room.

The Boss was his usual exuberant self until he heard that Sparky would not be going to school the next day. Monica had told him that Sparky was moving, explaining that we sometimes take care of kids for a little while and then, when it's time for them to move, we have to say good-bye.

For such a little guy, the Boss has had to say good-bye to a lot of people in his life. He especially likes Sparky and will miss him very much. At the 'no school' comment, he sat up and said, "No! {Sparky} has to go to school tomorrow. Then he has to go to the Boys & Girls Club. Then he has to go to his grandma's. Then he has to come home!" He's still asking when Sparky will be home.

Sparky spent the whole evening fretting about how his clothes were being packed and worrying about his new home. He finally allowed Lucky to make him an orange soda float but cried all the way through it and needed Pepto Bismol before bed.

Everyone was a little subdued tonight and there were a few comments about how quiet it is here now that Sparky is gone. It's been a sad day.

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