Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Summing Up

Computer back in the shop. Back on the slowbie (again grateful yet impatient). Too hard to blog so will bullet point the day.

Better behavior from Squeaker after non-lecture but "this is the way it's gonna be" talk from me last night. Her appearance in our town Christmas parade is at stake so I think I'll get perfect behavior all week.

The Boss is hyper and crazy lately and asking if he can have a "big boy" come live with us. Also asking for a dad. I'll get right on that, son.

Lucky enjoying her new cupboard-under-the-stairs hidey-hole that Ana made for her this week to get away from Squeaker when she's being mean. "There's no such thing as magic!"

After 5+ years since she left, Stickers is ready to come on back home to us now that she is 18.

The agency imploring us to take more kids because the crisis shelter is packed and there are not enough homes. Would need a three-to-a-room waiver to make that possible since it's brother/sister sibs (girl 6 and boy 8--there's The Boss' "big boy") and we only have one room.

Tappy coming this weekend for respite.

The rude dogs keep getting out from under the fence. Why do we have dogs again?

Otherwise, all is calm and all is bright. Very much looking forward to Christmas this year minus the ever ungrateful Drama Boy and Sparky.

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