Thursday, January 8, 2009

"Watch Your Mouth, Kid, or You're Gonna Find Yourself Floating Home."**

The Boss has been rude and smart-mouthy the last few days. He snorts, stomps, crosses his arms, rolls his eyes, and heaves huge sighs when I ask him to do anything. C'mon kid, one thirteen-year-old-girl-attitude in this family is enough right now and five is a little too early to be starting the "mom is an idiot" phase.

When I was sending him to time-out this afternoon I told him to remember that he was acting this way now so he can just skip right on past it when he gets older.

I was trying to get out the door but he wouldn't cooperate and come out of time-out so I had to leave him with Ana while I took Shorty shoe shopping. He screamed, cried, kicked, hit, and pinched for an hour and half while I was gone. The Boss, that is, not Shorty.

When I got home he said, "I'm not crying any more, mom." and immediately started asking for chips, jumps on the trampoline, and drinks of my coke.

Glad he recovered so happily. Ana looked wiped out for the rest of the evening. I'm sure they'll both sleep soundly tonight.

**Han Solo to Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars, of course.


  1. Hey...I did spend the whole day putting away Christmas decorations and cleaning floors, windows and appliances before the 90-minute tantrum. And cleaning up the kitchen after the World's Messiest Cook. Thanks for making dinner, though.

  2. Ya know.....I don't even think it was my night to make dinner. And yesterday morning I had to clean up after the World's Messiest Cook made dinner the night before (homemade chips and burgers even....yeeeuck that's a lot of grease). And I went to Super Stuff Mart TWICE in one day! Hey, I'm on the one who's beat....

  3. You almost had me beat with the Stuff Mart comment. However...I put away all of the Christmas decorations. All. Of. Them.

  4. Not all of them. I put one ornament in a box. And I took down the garland and wreath and bell door-hanging thingy and left them on the table for a week before you put them away.

    Geez. You always try to steal all the credit.
